AN Power Demolitions

Demolition of buildings with professional tools

The company AN Power Demolitions was founded in 2019 with headquarters in Ayia Napa, it is active in the field of building removals and demolitions.

Continuing its dynamic course, it has managed to expand its activities throughout Cyprus.

The services offered by the AN Power Demolitions concern the first stage of a construction project: demolitions, clearing, removal and transportation of rubble with special buckets and trucks.

It undertakes all kinds of building demolitions, in the private as well as in the public sector, which it carries out with the safety of human resources and neighbouring buildings as its first concern.

  • Total demolition, for private, commercial, industrial and government projects.
  • Selective demolition of interior spaces such as plasterboard, doors, interior partitions, walls and floors.
  • Removal, collection and transport of the rubble.

AN Power Demolitions company has modern machines and tools.

Always guided by the needs of each project and with an emphasis on both compliance with safety rules and respect for the environment, they are able to carry out any task they undertake.