"Mpamies laderes" - okra ladies fingers

"Mpamies laderes" - okra ladies fingers

A summer food

“Mpamies laderes” - okra ladies fingers

Mpamies – okra is a summer vegetable very easy to cook.

Fresh okra requires some treatment before cooking. Just follow this procedure:

Wash and drain “mpamies”. With the help of a sharp knife cut the stem in a circular way giving a cone shape at the top of the okra so that the seeds are not revealed. Put them I a tray and sprinkle them with wine vinegar. Let them sit in the sun for about an hour. (if there is no sun you can heat the oven, turn it off and place the tray with the okra in it for 30-40 minutes). Now they are ready to be cooked!


. 1,5kg mpamies-okra

. 1/3 cup wine vinegar (for the treatment above)

. ½ cup olive oil

. 2-3 onions chopped

. 1 glove of garlic smashed (optional)

. 1kg chopped tomatoes (or 1 can of chopped tomatoes)

. 1tsp sugar

. 1 cube vegetable stock

. salt, pepper

. 1/2 cup parsley chopped


Heat the oil in a casserole and fry the okra until they get a slightly brown color. Add the onions and stir occasionally until they are soft. Add garlic, tomatoes, sugar, vegetable stock and cover with water. Season with salt and pepper. Stir and let simmer for 20-30 minutes until the sauce is thicken. Tilt the casserole from time to time so that “mpamies” will not stick to the bottom of it. Remove from fire and add the parsley.

Serve with feta cheese and…. “kali oreksi”!....