October 15: World White Puddle Day

October 15: World White Puddle Day

A white walking stick drives an independent living symbol for people with visual impairment

October 15th is an important day that has the purpose of shaking us to think that our life is nothing. Even our senses from one moment to the next can change. This particular day is dedicated to the sense of vision, namely the White Spade, in the eyes that lead the people who have lost their vision.

The main purpose of October 15 is to make world-famous the importance of using White Mushroom to people who have a problem with their vision and at the same time to sensitize us all about the effort these people are doing to cope with better the problems encountered in their day-to-day movement.

The story of White Buddha began in World War I when Richard Hoover, an ophthalmologist, used a long reed to help relocate the blind veterans. At the same time, a movement for the rehabilitation and reintegration of people who were blinded by accidents during the war was developed at the same time.

The ritual years, as reported by the World Health Organization, estimate that around 285 million people around the world are blind or have reduced vision.

The importance of White Bottom is important and important, as it gives scope for autonomy and independence to its owners.