It's official...
Thursday 19/03/2020

It's official...

China has announced that Avigan is effective for coronavirus!

An anti-flu drug developed by the Japanese group Fujifilm works effectively against coronavirus, the Chinese government announced on Tuesday.

Beijing has already begun to promote the use of the drug favipiravir, developed by Fujifilm Toyama Chemical and sold under the brand name Avigan.

"It is extremely safe and obviously effective," Zhang Xinmin, director of the National Biotechnology Development Center of China's Ministry of Science, said in a press conference he gave.

Fujifilm Toyama developed the drug in 2014. It is used in Japan in patients who have been infected with coronavirus since February.

A little earlier, Fujifilm's stock jumped 15.4% on the Tokyo stock exchange.


Clinical trials were conducted on 200 patients in Ohan and Shenzhen hospitals, and the results have shown that patients receiving the drug appeared to be negative in the virus test.

Meanwhile, the symptoms of pneumonia declined significantly.

According to the Chinese authorities, there were no obvious side effects.